DMN8 Academy Application

This is the application for the 12-month DMN8 Academy Coaching Program.  This program is designed to help you overcome whatever it is that’s holding you back from your version of your company’s success.

During this inaugural class, your online marketing activities will be managed by DMN8 Partners – This includes website management, SEO, Google Maps ranking, email marketing and retargeting, Google Ads Management, and social media management.  One of the goals of this program is to give you the tools to understand these different segments of marketing to better help you make decisions related to the growth of your company.

During this 12-month period, the items we will cover in order are 1) Goal Planning; 2) Process Improvement; 3) People Development; 4) Leadership Development; 5) Profit Optimization.  Everything we do during this coaching program will center around these 5 keys to success.

Monthly you will be expected to watch all trainings (live or recorded); complete all required monthly activity; attend all group calls and be available for your 1-on-1 session.

Here’s how the time will breakdown:

Training – 1 to 2 hours monthly.  These will be recorded so that you can revisit the training at any time during the coaching period.

Monthly Activity (Homework) – 3 – 4 hours monthly.  This will be one of, or a combination of, documenting a process, gathering data, or performing tasks.  You will be required to document your work with detailed notes and or video to use for coaching purposes.

Group Calls – 2 group video calls monthly.  These will be used for accountability purposes, getting feedback, and building community.  I will break down the large group into 5 person groups so that everyone has a chance to provide feedback and get feedback based on the month’s activity.  Your involvement in these calls is mandatory.  Each video call will last 60 minutes.

1-On-1 Personal Coaching Calls – 1 Call monthly.  This is where we review your personal growth related to your goals, your business goals, and the monthly activity.  These calls will typically last 45 – 60 minutes.

While your marketing management fees with DMN8 Partners will be waived from January through December, or while you are enrolled in the program, there is a one-time fee to join the program.  The fee is $2,800.  I can break the fee out into two payments of $1,500 over a 14 day period, but all fees have to be paid before starting the program.  If you leave the program or are asked to leave, marketing management services will no longer be available at no cost. Additionally, there are no refunds available.