What’s going on, it’s Gary Geiman with DMN8 Partners, continuing our rank in Google Maps series. I want to talk to you about questions and answers, Q&A, on the Google Maps panel. It’s little tricky to get there. Some Google my business profiles, if you go into the app or business.google.com, you’ll find questions and answers. If you cannot find them there, what you’ll need to do is view your listing on search, then scroll down the listing and right below where reviews are shown, you’ll see a box: Questions and Answers. With questions and answers, you can get ahead of the game and do what Google calls seeding your listing, planting seeds. So what questions should you be answering? Begin to write down all the questions that your customers ask you when they call or email for service and are looking for a quote. You know, those questions that you answer over and over again. A great place for those is on your Google My Business listing. Don’t don’t just ask the question, but provide the answer. Here’s the thing, Google My Business is a community so others can answer those questions also. So on your Google My Business app on your phone, (make sure you have the Google My Business app) you want to turn on notifications so that when someone adds a review, a photo, or answers a question, you can see it. You can’t delete answers, but you can gently correct someone if they answer incorrectly. You want to make sure that you’re consistently adding questions and answers because you’re going to get asked questions after you put all the questions that you can think of. You’re going to want to make sure that you are answering as many questions as possible, providing those questions and answering those questions. And then when others ask questions about your business, you’re providing a very good answer. My recommendation is this, provide an answer and add a link back to the website where they can find that information as well if you have enough room in terms of characters. You can also use link shorteners and things like that to do those same things. That’s a great place to answer a question and provide a resource, the resource being your website. I would recommend getting into questions and answers today and making it a habit, just like your posts and your photos, to get into that section on a weekly basis. If you can’t do it weekly, do it monthly, but do it. Because the more you do it, the more you’re inside of that Google My Business listing, the more Google sees you as a credible business, credibility is a ranking factor. You want to make sure that you’re ranking in the top three so you can dominate your market, dominate your competition, and grow your business to the levels that you’ve dreamed. I’m here to help you rank in Google Maps.

If you have questions or issues, feel free to check out the website, salvonow.com, or call us at the office (859) 757-2252. We want to help you rank in Google Maps and dominate your competition. Let’s dominate.
