I get asked this question alot…. How do I get more property manager work?
With Property Manager Budget Season right around the corner, YOU NEED TO BE EMAILING PROPERTY MANAGERS!!
While there are many right answers to the question “How”, I built revenue of $400k annually with property managers by using email marketing.
Our process was this:
1) Find email addresses of property managers (many resources for this)
2) Create subject lines that get the email opened
3) Use short emails to pound home the message
4) Provide multiple calls to action in the email message
5) Rinse and repeat, Rinse and repeat, Rinse and repeat.
One thing I learned over the past 5 years, is the best day to send email is Tuesday then Friday with Tuesday as THE best day period. Along with sending at 9AM, 10AM or 4PM as the best times.
We use a strategy to send an email at 9AM, then 24 hours later resend to any unopened emails at 4PM. We also send alternate emails to those who open but don’t click on any of the calls to action within 24 hours.
We typically see open rates of 15-20% for cold email and click through rates around 8-10%. Even better our unsubscribe rate is less than 1% so we tend to get into the Inbox more times than not.
Will you get leads every time you send? NO. Will you build a consistent flow of leads by doing this every single month? YES!
The key to all of this is…… SEND EMAIL TO PROPERTY MANAGERS!
We run property email campaigns as part of our Monthly Marketing Management service.
Have questions? Call the office 859-757-2252 or visit https://salvonow.com for more info.