It’s Gary Geiman with DMN8 Partners. We have a BIG announcement: On October 23rd, at my office Covington, KY, we are hosting a live training/mastermind event featuring Dave Carroll, Jamie Schmidt, David Sessions, Tyler Geiman.

We will all be speaking 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM on Friday, October 23rd. Lunch will be provided and there will be a happy hour. This event is going to be different than any other live event that you’ve ever been to in the home service industry. We are actually going to generate customers from cold data using technology that I use in my business and that we’ve used for other home services. I will leave a link below, get signed up. Only $299. We still have about 20 of the 25 spots available. I expect though in the next two weeks with a couple of different promotions that we’re doing that those will go quick.

So you saw the title and description: WIIFM with Andrew Burke. WIIFM: our favorite radio station. What’s in it for me? Most of us live our lives like that, we want to know what somebody is trying to sell us. Like what’s the catch? But if we take that, we flip it, and we look at it from our customer’s perspective or our prospect’s perspective, what’s in it for them when they are saying “what’s in it for me”, we can be a lot more successful in selling our services our services to them. Basically putting our services in a spin that delivers the “what’s in it for me” to them, delivers it to them in a way that makes them want to hire you.

So if you go back and you look at the last 10 customers that hired you (and hopefully you had a conversation with them and you understand like what their buying signals were or what their buying motivation was) and you write those 10 things down, you’re probably going to get some duplication. You’re probably going to see things like your price, regardless if you’re cheap or not, that’s a buying signal or a buying factor. You’re gonna see things like, availability, like how soon you could get them done, another buying factor. You’re going to see things like ease of use, that was one of our biggest buying factors for our customers was how easy it was to use us. And in fact, that was the feedback we got consistently. From getting an estimate, to scheduling, to paying, we made it as easy as possible. So making it as easy as possible was critical in us getting as many customers as possible, obviously. Right? We knew that that was a huge buying factor for a lot of our clients. So we made it as easy as possible for them to do business with us.

You have to figure out what are the buying factors that make your prospects turn into your customers, then accentuate those buying factors, really hammer them down. Now, if it’s price, we don’t want to accentuate that too much because then we’re not going to make the money that we need to make. But if it’s availability, then we need to accentuate that. If it’s ease of use, that we need to accentuate that. Turning that “what’s in it for me” for your customer into your sales process and utilizing that information to help you sell your customers is what’s going to help you convert more of your leads.

And I’ll give you a hint. What’s in it for them isn’t your equipment. It’s not how fancy your truck wraps look. It’s not the cool shirts that you wear. It’s none of that stuff. Customers don’t give a shit. All they care about is that you deliver your service the way that you said you would deliver it, satisfy them, and do it in a way that takes care of their problem. Obviously they try to get it at a competitive price. Regardless, whether your pricing is competitive or not is not a factor. Understanding your buying factors, why customers buy from you, putting them into your process, and then accentuating them is going to help you convert more of your leads into customers.

So I suggest you look at your last 10, last 20, (if you’ve got time) your last 50 customers and write down what the buying signals were. Going forward, write down what the buying factors or signals are that you’re given when a customer or prospect speaks to you before you schedule, and that’s going to help you be able to market better. It’s going to help you sell better and it’s going to help you to convert more leads into money. That’s what we’re all here for is to make that money.

Today is September 30th. Two things are happening tomorrow. One is the 48th anniversary of my insertion into this world. Some people call that a birthday. Number two, we’re releasing our podcast and the first four episodes. So Dave and I have recorded 12 episodes already of our podcasts. It’s The Business Bullies Podcast, the podcast your business needs. It is 20 to 25 minute episodes of straight truth & information to help you run your business, grow your business, and be better in business. We’re releasing the first four episodes tomorrow. That’s the kicker. I’m also going to be announcing a contest related to that podcast tomorrow. So pay attention.

But prior to that, we’re going to release The Business Bullies Podcast to the world tomorrow. It’s Dave Carroll and I, discussing lots of detail, in different subjects to help you be successful in business. I promise you, won’t be disappointed, very excited about it. We’ll be releasing four episodes tomorrow. Then on a weekly basis, it looks like we’ll be releasing two episodes on a weekly basis. So turn notifications on if you follow me, make me see first. I’ll make it worth your while tomorrow. Make sure you take some notes and give us some of your feedback. Hopefully you can put some of the information we give you in this podcast to use so we can help you grow your business, change your life, and dominate your market. Let’s dominate.