Understanding how to engage potential clients is difficult if you have traditionally relied on word of mouth, the yellow pages, or generally the physical brick and mortar visual marketing. Before digital marketing you could advertise solely on having an actual, physical business that people could walk or drive by and see. 

What Digital Marketing Tools Should My Pressure Washing Business Use?

Things have changed, and are constantly changing. Digital marketing is now the norm and finding the correct digital channel and method of marketing is king. So, what digital channel do people use for searching for local business? Google Maps. 

Google Maps lets people see the location, rating, and business info of a local business all in one place. This is critical for advertising and drawing in customers. If they can’t find you on Google Maps, then you won’t get their business. It is as simple as that. So, let’s explore how your pressure washing business can take advantage of the power of Google Maps as a digital marketing tool.

What Is The Google Maps 3-Pack?

Let’s chat first about your pressure washing business. First, let’s assume that your customer basis is most likely local. Depending on the uniqueness of your services you may find clients anywhere between next door and 50 miles away. Second, you’ve probably got some competition in the area as well. Third, advertising outside your geographical customer base most likely isn’t that cost effective.

So, grabbing that local audience is critically important to your pressure washing business growth and stability. This is where Google Maps shines. When people open up Google Maps on their mobile device (i.e. smart phone) and search for “pressure washing services” or “pressure washing” or “pressure washing business”, the screen shows a map with the top three business based on their secretive ranking algorithms. 

This 3-business listing on the instant results screen is the Google Maps 3-Pack. The 3-Pack isn’t something you buy; it’s just the initial ranking Google creates for a select business type. You want your business in that top 3. You want potential clients to see yours first, period. 

Do Potential Customers Search On Their Phones?

The growing population is more and more likely to be using some type of digital interface to be searching for recommended services in their area. It is simple, easy, efficient, and fast to just Google Map search what they want and have a list of ranked services that are closest to them geographically.

However, not everyone is next to their laptop to pull up a full browser. Most likely they are waiting in a line, watching TV, at work, or somewhere else. Your customer base will most likely think: “I need to get X pressure washed. Who should I hire?” Then they will just pull out their phone, open the Google Maps App, and search for “pressure washing services.” 

So, you can figure out pretty quickly and easily that the Google Maps 3-Pack is the easiest way to immediately get in front of your potential clients. They will be using a mobile device and will be using Google Maps

Why Is Google Maps Important For Local Business?

Everything that has been discussed is of critical importance to local businesses. Why? Because it doesn’t matter if you ranked number 1 on Google search because people don’t use Google search to find local business. They search Google Maps because it adds the benefit of seeing the physical locations of the business that are near them. 

Local businesses need a local solution. Google Search is the solution on a worldwide / galaxy order issue. Your low hanging fruit that is most effective, efficient, and maximizes the chances that your potential clients will see you every time. Google Maps is your local solution, and Google Maps 3-Pack is your mobile digital marketing tool.

A pressure washing business is a purely local business. Most likely you won’t be serving customers in France, but you will want to serve customers in the surrounding neighborhoods and local towns. The Google Maps 3-Pack identifies your pressure washing business as THE go-to solution for all of your LOCAL pressure washing needs.

How Hard Is It To Rank In Google Maps?

It is absolutely attainable but it does require work. Ranking in the Google Maps 3-Pack is difficult but important enough to your business growth to take on the challenge. It can significantly help expand your exposure and drive traffic to your business. Here are just a few aspects of the ranking in the Google Maps 3-Pack:

  • Optimize Your Google Business Listing
  • Get Positive Reviews To Grow Your Digital Reputation
  • Make Your Business Website Mobile Friendly
  • Get Google Juice From Non-Spammy Backlinks
  • Optimize Your Location Page On Your Website
  • Provide Useful And Authoritative Content
  • Use Both A Toll Free Number And A Local Number

Can I Do It Myself?

Getting a professional SEO and Google Maps expert will greatly enhance your chances of getting the above requirements right the first time. You don’t want to struggle and miss something important, making all of your efforts lost. A digital marketing team can attack each aspect of your pressure washing online profile with the power of full expertise and efficiency. Your job is to run your business and keep your clients happy. A digital marketer’s job is to show your business off like it’s the next best thing since sliced bread. 

So, yes, you absolutely can challenge yourself with the job of optimizing your online profile and reputation. But, do you want to?

Last Words On Google Maps 3-Pack

Remember regardless of anything else these are the driving assumptions:

  • Your Clients Are Using Smart Phones More Often
  • Your Clients Are Using Google Maps To Search For Local Businesses
  • Google Maps Is Your Best Local Digital Marketing Solution
  • Google Maps 3-Pack Will Put Your Business At The Top Of The List

Google Maps 3-Pack is the by far the best solution for local business. Forget the car window flyers or the doorknob hangers. Your potential client list doesn’t want to be inundated with paper advertisements. They see this as just junk mail. They want to find your business on their terms. So, let’s work together to make sure they see your pressure washing business first. Call us today: 859-757-2252